Issue 38, 2019

Chemoenzymatic reduction of citreorosein and its implications on aloe-emodin and rugulosin C (bio)synthesis


A chemoenzymatic reduction of citreorosein by the NADPH-dependent polyhydroxyanthracene reductase from Cochliobolus lunatus or MdpC from Aspergillus nidulans in the presence of Na2S2O4 gave access to putative biosynthetic intermediates, (R)-3,8,9,10-tetrahydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)-3,4-dihydroanthracene-1(2H)-one and its oxidized form, (R)-3,4-dihydrocitreorosein. Herein, we discuss the implications of these results towards the (bio)synthesis of aloe-emodin and (+)-rugulosin C in fungi.

Graphical abstract: Chemoenzymatic reduction of citreorosein and its implications on aloe-emodin and rugulosin C (bio)synthesis

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Article information

Article type
31 Jul 2019
09 Sep 2019
First published
09 Sep 2019

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019,17, 8711-8715

Chemoenzymatic reduction of citreorosein and its implications on aloe-emodin and rugulosin C (bio)synthesis

A. Mondal, N. Saha, A. Rajput, S. K. Singh, B. Roy and S. M. Husain, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019, 17, 8711 DOI: 10.1039/C9OB01690B

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