Issue 14, 2020

Luminescence measurements of hyperthermal Xe2+ + O2 and O+ + Xe collision systems


Emission excitation cross sections are recorded for collisions between Xe2+ + O2 and O+ + Xe over a collision energy range of approximately 2 to 900 eV in the center-of-mass (Ecm) frame. Emissive products of the O+ + Xe reaction are examined in the 700–1000 nm optical range and include neutral atomic oxygen emissions and neutral xenon emissions. Atomic emission products of the O+ + Xe collision appear to have measureable cross sections near Ecm = 14 eV and increase in intensity until about Ecm = 60 eV where they remain approximately constant for the remainder of the measured collision energies. For the Xe2+ + O2 collision system, O2+ charge transfer products are measured through fluorescence of the O2+(A–X) and (b–a) manifolds over the 200–850 nm window. Total cross sections for both manifolds do not vary beyond the experimental precision at all measured energies. Vibrational populations are derived from a fitting of the experimental data. The populations are found to deviate from a Franck–Condon distribution at all collision energies and appear to be well-modeled within a multi-channel Landau–Zener framework over the collision energy range measured.

Graphical abstract: Luminescence measurements of hyperthermal Xe2+ + O2 and O+ + Xe collision systems

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
26 Sep 2019
11 Mar 2020
First published
24 Mar 2020

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020,22, 7268-7282

Author version available

Luminescence measurements of hyperthermal Xe2+ + O2 and O+ + Xe collision systems

M. L. Hause, S. Solter, B. D. Prince and R. J. Bemish, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22, 7268 DOI: 10.1039/C9CP05314J

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