Issue 17, 2020

Current challenges and future perspectives in sustainable mechanochemical transformations of carbohydrates


The use of mechanochemistry in carbohydrate chemistry is currently a growing field in which many new developments are being made because of its potential application in green methodologies. Ball milling (BM) is a promising eco-friendly technique with excellent characteristics that allows mostly solvent-free, faster and energy-efficient reactions. In this context, we provide in this perspective review a critical summary and discussion of the main known synthetic methods for carbohydrates based on mechanochemistry. The combination of the promising properties of mechanochemistry with carbohydrate reactions can be advantageous for setting strategies aligned with the green chemistry principles.

Graphical abstract: Current challenges and future perspectives in sustainable mechanochemical transformations of carbohydrates

Article information

Article type
12 Mar 2020
27 Jul 2020
First published
27 Jul 2020

Green Chem., 2020,22, 5559-5583

Current challenges and future perspectives in sustainable mechanochemical transformations of carbohydrates

A. Perona, P. Hoyos, Á. Farrán and M. J. Hernáiz, Green Chem., 2020, 22, 5559 DOI: 10.1039/D0GC00901F

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