Issue 9, 2020

How non-ferromagnetic Mn enhances the magnetization of SmCo7 based alloys


This work was focused on the effects of Mn doping on the phase stability and magnetic performance of SmCo7 based alloys. Particularly, the role of Mn in the improvement of the magnetization of the SmCo7 matrix, as well as its mechanisms, was examined in detail. The metastable SmCo7 single phase was well stabilized by the appropriate content of Mn doping and nanostructuring of the alloy. It was discovered that the non-ferromagnetic element Mn can enhance magnetization effectively. By tailoring the Mn content and nanostructuring, the prepared SmCo7−xMnx alloy achieved good comprehensive magnetic properties. The mechanisms for the magnetization enhancement by Mn and the coupled effect of Mn doping and nanostructuring on the magnetic properties were proposed based on the characterization of magnetic structures and the model calculations of magnetic moments.

Graphical abstract: How non-ferromagnetic Mn enhances the magnetization of SmCo7 based alloys

Article information

Article type
11 Dec 2019
31 Jan 2020
First published
03 Feb 2020

Nanoscale, 2020,12, 5567-5577

How non-ferromagnetic Mn enhances the magnetization of SmCo7 based alloys

K. Guo, H. Lu, F. Mao, D. Liu, F. Tang, H. Wang and X. Song, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 5567 DOI: 10.1039/C9NR10483F

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