Issue 38, 2020

Direct measurement of strain-driven Kekulé distortion in graphene and its electronic properties


Kekulé distortion in graphene is a subject of extensive theoretical studies due to its non-trivial material properties. Yet, experimental observation of its formation mechanism and electronic structures is still elusive. Here, we used scanning tunneling microscopy to visualize two different phases of the Kekulé distortion in graphene along with experimental evidence that local strain is responsible for the formation of such distortions. In addition, we directly measured the electronic structures of the two phases of the Kekulé distortion in graphene revealing that one opens an energy gap whereas the other maintains a linear density profile. These are consistent with the calculated band structures of the two phases of the Kekulé distortion, respectively, providing a direct verification of the theoretical predictions.

Graphical abstract: Direct measurement of strain-driven Kekulé distortion in graphene and its electronic properties

Article information

Article type
07 May 2020
07 Sep 2020
First published
08 Sep 2020

Nanoscale, 2020,12, 19604-19608

Direct measurement of strain-driven Kekulé distortion in graphene and its electronic properties

D. Eom and J. Koo, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 19604 DOI: 10.1039/D0NR03565C

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