Issue 37, 2020

Novel electrode geometry for high performance CF/Fe2O3 based planar solid state micro-electrochemical capacitors


A novel geometry of sharp-edged electrodes for planar micro-electrochemical capacitors is utilized for an enhanced performance compared to the conventionally used interdigitated electrodes. The sharp-edged electrode geometry achieves a 68% enhancement in the electric field at the sharp-edge of the electrodes as compared to interdigitated electrodes. Moreover, carbon foam with high specific surface area loaded with iron oxide nanoparticles allows a large mass loading for the pseudocapacitance in addition to electric double layer capacitance (EDLC). Thus, an enhancement of 235% was obtained in both the areal specific capacitance and energy density when the performance was compared with the interdigitated electrode based supercapacitors. Moreover, an excellent cycling stability (∼99.5%) over 10 000 charge–discharge cycles was also achieved. The high-performance architecture of sharp-edged electrodes paves a way for smart electrochemical capacitors using an efficient planar structure in combination with high-loading materials for large pseudocapacitance as well as EDLC.

Graphical abstract: Novel electrode geometry for high performance CF/Fe2O3 based planar solid state micro-electrochemical capacitors

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Article information

Article type
10 Jun 2020
10 Aug 2020
First published
13 Aug 2020

Nanoscale, 2020,12, 19438-19449

Novel electrode geometry for high performance CF/Fe2O3 based planar solid state micro-electrochemical capacitors

S. Kumar, S. Telpande, V. Manikandan, P. Kumar and A. Misra, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 19438 DOI: 10.1039/D0NR04410E

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