Issue 14, 2020

H2S detection at low temperatures by Cu2O/Fe2O3 heterostructure ordered array sensors


2D heterostructures are promising gas sensor materials due to their surface/interface effects and hybrid properties. In this research, Cu2O/Fe2O3 heterostructure ordered arrays were synthesized using an in situ electrodeposition method for H2S detection at low temperatures. These arrays possess a periodic long range ordered structure with horizontal multi-heterointerfaces, leading to superior gas sensitivity for synergistic effects at the heterointerfaces. The sensor based on the Cu2O/Fe2O3 heterostructure ordered arrays exhibits a dramatic improvement in H2S detection at low temperatures (even as low as −15 °C). The response is particularly significant at room and human body temperatures since the conductivity of the arrays can change by up to three orders of magnitude in a 10 ppm H2S atmosphere. These good performances are also attributed to the formation of metallic Cu2S conducting channels. Our results imply that the Cu2O/Fe2O3 heterostructure ordered arrays are promising candidates for high-performance H2S gas sensors that function at low temperatures as well as breath analysis systems for disease diagnosis.

Graphical abstract: H2S detection at low temperatures by Cu2O/Fe2O3 heterostructure ordered array sensors

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Article information

Article type
01 Dec 2019
24 Jan 2020
First published
26 Feb 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2020,10, 8332-8339

H2S detection at low temperatures by Cu2O/Fe2O3 heterostructure ordered array sensors

P. Zhang, H. Zhu, K. Xue, L. Chen, C. Shi, D. Wang, J. Li, X. Wang and G. Cui, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 8332 DOI: 10.1039/C9RA10054G

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