Issue 37, 2020, Issue in Progress

Force spectra of single bacterial amyloid CsgA nanofibers


CsgA is a major protein subunit of Escherichia coli biofilms and plays key roles in bacterial adhesion and invasion. CsgA proteins can self-assemble into amyloid nanofibers, characterized by their hierarchical structures across multiple length scales, outstanding strength and their structural robustness under harsh environments. Here, magnetic tweezers were used to study the force spectra of CsgA protein at fibril levels. The two ends of a single nanofiber were directly connected between a magnetic bead and a glass slide using a previously reported tag-free method. We showed that a wormlike chain model could be applied to fit the typical force–extension curves of CsgA nanofibers and to estimate accordingly the mechanical properties. The bending stiffness of nanofibers increased with increasing diameters. The changes in extension of single CsgA fibers were found to be up to 17 fold that of the original length, indicating exceptional tensile properties. Our results provide new insights into the tensile properties of bacterial amyloid nanofibers and highlight the ultrahigh structural stability of the Escherichia coli biofilms.

Graphical abstract: Force spectra of single bacterial amyloid CsgA nanofibers

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Article information

Article type
25 Mar 2020
03 Jun 2020
First published
09 Jun 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2020,10, 21986-21992

Force spectra of single bacterial amyloid CsgA nanofibers

J. Lv, Y. Li, K. Zhou, P. Guo, Y. Liu, K. Ding, K. Li, C. Zhong and B. Xiao, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 21986 DOI: 10.1039/D0RA02749A

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