Acoustic resonance in periodically sheared glass: damping due to plastic events†
Using molecular dynamics simulation, we study acoustic resonance in a low-temperature model glass by applying a small periodic shear at a boundary wall. Shear wave resonance occurs as the frequency ω approaches ω = πc⊥
/L (
= 1, 2…). Here, c⊥ is the transverse sound speed and L is the cell width. At resonance, large-amplitude sound waves appear after many cycles even if the applied strain γ0 is very small. They then induce plastic events, which are heterogeneous on the mesoscopic scale and intermittent on timescales longer than the oscillation period tp = 2π/ω. We visualize them together with the extended elastic strains around them. These plastic events serve to damp sounds. We obtain the nonlinear damping Q−1 = tan δ due to the plastic events near the first resonance at ω ≅ ω1, which is linear in γ0 and independent of ω. After many resonant cycles, we observe an increase in the shear modulus (measured after switching-off the oscillation). We also observe catastrophic plastic events after a very long time (∼103tp), which induce system-size elastic strains and cause a transition from resonant to off-resonant states. At resonance, stroboscopic diffusion becomes detectable.