Concrete perovskites for fabricating high-quality micro-laser arrays†
Patterning of single-crystalline lead halide perovskites (APbX3, X = Cl, Br, I) into laser arrays has attracted considerable research attention. However, the random size distribution leads to an unrepeatable lasing action, which makes the fabrication of highly ordered laser arrays a formidable task. Beyond those single-crystalline units, here, we report novel hybrid Concrete-like perovskites (CPs) of CsPbBr3@MABr to obtain high-quality optical micro-cavity arrays for lasing. Similar to the case of Concrete, ∼100 nm inorganic CsPbBr3 coarse aggregates bonded with finer cement-like MABr, and presented a huge enhancement in optical gain (G = 200 cm−1) and deformable plasticity. Well-controlled dimensions and uniform geometries enable the CP micro-rings and nanowires to function as high-quality whispering-gallery mode (WGM) and Fabry–Pérot (FP) lasers, respectively. The “Concrete” perovskite strategy provides new insights for the fabrication of high-quality laser arrays with promising applications in integrated coherent light sources and photonics.