Liquid-phase synthesis of highly oxophilic zerovalent niobium and tantalum nanoparticles†
Zerovalent niobium, Nb(0), and tantalum, Ta(0), nanoparticles are prepared via a one-pot, liquid-phase synthesis. For this, NbCl5/TaCl5 are dissolved in pyridine and reduced by lithium pyridinyl. Deep black suspensions of very small, highly uniform nanoparticles are obtained with average diameters of 2.1 ± 0.4 nm (Nb(0)) and 1.9 ± 0.4 nm (Ta(0)). Whereas suspensions are chemically and colloidally stable, powder samples are very reactive. TEM/HRTEM, XRD, FT-IR, and XANES are used for characterization.