Issue 20, 2021

Transition metal sulfides meet electrospinning: versatile synthesis, distinct properties and prospective applications


One-dimensional (1D) electrospun nanomaterials have attracted significant attention due to their unique structures and outstanding chemical and physical properties such as large specific surface area, distinct electronic and mass transport, and mechanical flexibility. Over the past years, the integration of metal sulfides with electrospun nanomaterials has emerged as an exciting research topic owing to the synergistic effects between the two components, leading to novel and interesting properties in energy, optics and catalysis research fields for example. In this review, we focus on the recent development of the preparation of electrospun nanomaterials integrated with functional metal sulfides with distinct nanostructures. These functional materials have been prepared via two efficient strategies, namely direct electrospinning and post-synthesis modification of electrospun nanomaterials. In this review, we systematically present the chemical and physical properties of the electrospun nanomaterials integrated with metal sulfides and their application in electronic and optoelectronic devices, sensing, catalysis, energy conversion and storage, thermal shielding, adsorption and separation, and biomedical technology. Additionally, challenges and further research opportunities in the preparation and application of these novel functional materials are also discussed.

Graphical abstract: Transition metal sulfides meet electrospinning: versatile synthesis, distinct properties and prospective applications

Article information

Article type
Review Article
17 Feb 2021
21 Apr 2021
First published
22 Apr 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale, 2021,13, 9112-9146

Transition metal sulfides meet electrospinning: versatile synthesis, distinct properties and prospective applications

W. Zhu, Y. Cheng, C. Wang, N. Pinna and X. Lu, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 9112 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR01070K

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