Issue 27, 2021, Issue in Progress

Light-driven selective aerobic oxidation of (iso)quinoliniums and related heterocycles


Selective C1–H/C4–H carbonylation of N-methylene iminium salts, catalyzed by visible-light photoredox and oxygen in the air, has been reported. A ruthenium complex acts as a chemical switch to conduct two different reaction pathways and to afford two different kinds of products. In the absence of the ruthenium complex, the Csp2–H bonds adjacent to the nitrogen atoms are oxidized to α-lactams by the N-methyleneiminium substrates themselves as photosensitizers. In the presence of the ruthenium complex, the oxidation reaction site of quinoliniums is switched to the C4 region, resulting in the formation of 4-quinolones. The use of two transformations directly introduces oxygen into the nitrogen heterocyclic skeletons under an air atmosphere.

Graphical abstract: Light-driven selective aerobic oxidation of (iso)quinoliniums and related heterocycles

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Article information

Article type
15 Feb 2021
23 Mar 2021
First published
04 May 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2021,11, 16246-16251

Light-driven selective aerobic oxidation of (iso)quinoliniums and related heterocycles

M. Zhou, K. Yu, J. Liu, W. Shi, Y. Pan, H. Tang, X. Peng, Q. Liu and H. Wang, RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 16246 DOI: 10.1039/D1RA01226F

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