Issue 9, 2021

Increasing saturation: development of broadly applicable photocatalytic Csp2–Csp3 cross-couplings of alkyl trifluoroborates and (hetero)aryl bromides for array synthesis


Visible light photocatalysis has emerged as an enabling technology capable of providing access to architecturally complex molecules. This article describes a systematic investigation of the nickel-mediated photocatalytic cross-coupling of alkyl trifluoroborates and (hetero)aryl bromides aided by high-throughput experimentation (HTE). The results obtained from HTE were utilized to select catalysts, bases and solvents for the production of chemical libraries. Six fourteen-member libraries were generated through couplings with secondary alkyl, primary α-alkoxymethyl, benzyl and secondary α-amino trifluoroborates, demonstrating that the optimized conditions were general, robust and exhibited broad functional group tolerance. The conditions were also successfully adapted for use in a flow reactor, showing the impact micro-scale screening can have in the development of scale-up procedures. These studies enabled the generation of a data-rich reaction guide that provides favorable conditions, as well as alternative conditions that can be used to address issues with substrate solubility or catalyst availability.

Graphical abstract: Increasing saturation: development of broadly applicable photocatalytic Csp2–Csp3 cross-couplings of alkyl trifluoroborates and (hetero)aryl bromides for array synthesis

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Article information

Article type
13 May 2021
09 Jun 2021
First published
08 Jul 2021

React. Chem. Eng., 2021,6, 1666-1676

Increasing saturation: development of broadly applicable photocatalytic Csp2–Csp3 cross-couplings of alkyl trifluoroborates and (hetero)aryl bromides for array synthesis

A. N. Cauley, M. Sezen-Edmonds, E. M. Simmons and C. L. Cavallaro, React. Chem. Eng., 2021, 6, 1666 DOI: 10.1039/D1RE00192B

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