Issue 46, 2021

Achieving flexible large-scale reactivity tuning by controlling the phase, thickness and support of two-dimensional ZnO


Tuning surface reactivity of catalysts is an effective strategy to enhance catalytic activity towards a chemical reaction. Traditional reactivity tuning usually relies on a change of the catalyst composition, especially when large-scale tuning is desired. Here, based on density functional theory calculations, we provide a strategy for flexible large-scale tuning of surface reactivity, i.e. from a few tenths of electronvolts (eV) to multiple eV, merely through manipulating the phase, thickness, and support of two-dimensional (2D) ZnO films. 2D ZnO films have three typical phases, i.e. graphene, wurtzite, and body-centered-tetragonal structures, whose intrinsic stability strongly depends on the thickness and/or the chemical nature of the support. We show that the adsorption energy of hydrogen differs by up to 3 eV on these three phases. For the same phase, varying the film thickness and/or support can lead to a few tenths of eV to 2 eV tuning of surface reactivity. We further demonstrate that flexible large-scale tuning of surface reactivity has a profound impact on the reaction kinetics, including breaking the Brønsted–Evans–Polanyi relationship.

Graphical abstract: Achieving flexible large-scale reactivity tuning by controlling the phase, thickness and support of two-dimensional ZnO

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Article type
Edge Article
12 Aug 2021
03 Nov 2021
First published
04 Nov 2021
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY license

Chem. Sci., 2021,12, 15284-15290

Achieving flexible large-scale reactivity tuning by controlling the phase, thickness and support of two-dimensional ZnO

L. Lin, Z. Zeng, Q. Fu and X. Bao, Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 15284 DOI: 10.1039/D1SC04428A

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