Issue 20, 2022

Highly efficient synthesis of extremely fine nano-SnO2 photocatalytic materials by dealloying Cu50Sn50 alloy powders with mainly exposed {123} facts in η-Cu6Sn5


Extremely fine nano-SnO2 photocatalysts were successfully synthesized by a dealloying method using high-corrosion-activity Cu50Sn50 alloy powders as precursor materials. The results showed that the dealloying cycles for Cu50Sn50 precursors prepared by ball milling at 300 and 150 r min−1 could be significantly shortened to 2 and 2.5 h, respectively; among them, the Cu50Sn50 precursor prepared at 300 r min−1 involved a shorter period of time because the precursor prepared at 300 r min−1 exposed more unstable active crystal planes of {123} in η-Cu6Sn5 compared to the precursor prepared at 150 r min−1. The results also showed that the nano-SnO2 synthesized by dealloying Cu50Sn50 powders (which were prepared by ball milling at 300 and 150 r min−1) consisted of large quantities of tiny particles with very small sizes of 2.5–4 and 2.5–5 nm, respectively. In addition, the results from the photodegradation experiments showed that the nano-SnO2 synthesized by dealloying Cu50Sn50 alloy powders (which were prepared at 300 r min−1) displayed the best photocatalytic performance, thus suggesting that Cu50Sn50 powders with mainly exposed active facets are perfect precursor materials for the highly efficient dealloying synthesis of extremely fine nano-SnO2 with superior catalytic activity. This is the first time the influence of active crystal planes in the phase of precursors on the dealloying process has been investigated, which sets a good example for designing more ideal alloy systems with mainly exposed active crystal planes as precursors for the fast dealloying preparation of other novel photocatalysts.

Graphical abstract: Highly efficient synthesis of extremely fine nano-SnO2 photocatalytic materials by dealloying Cu50Sn50 alloy powders with mainly exposed {123} facts in η-Cu6Sn5

Article information

Article type
03 Apr 2022
25 Apr 2022
First published
27 Apr 2022

CrystEngComm, 2022,24, 3791-3799

Highly efficient synthesis of extremely fine nano-SnO2 photocatalytic materials by dealloying Cu50Sn50 alloy powders with mainly exposed {123} facts in η-Cu6Sn5

N. Wang and Y. Pan, CrystEngComm, 2022, 24, 3791 DOI: 10.1039/D2CE00469K

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