Issue 19, 2022

Molecular transport in zeolite catalysts: depicting an integrated picture from macroscopic to microscopic scales


Increasing social sustainability triggers the persistent progress of industrial catalysis in energy transformation and chemical production. Zeolites have been demonstrated to be pivotal catalysts in chemical industries due to their moderate acidity and versatile well-defined pore structures. However, in the context of enhancing the performances of zeolite catalysts, the perspectives on the diffusion regulations within the pores and channels in the bulk phases or external surfaces of the zeolites are often overlooked. Establishing the structure–transport–reactivity relationships in heterogeneous catalysis can provide rational guidelines to design high-performance catalysts. Herein, this tutorial review attempts to systematically depict an integrated picture of molecular transport behaviors in zeolite catalysts from macroscopic to microscopic perspectives. The advances in the accurate diffusion measurements employing both macroscopic and microscopic techniques are briefly introduced. The diffusion characteristics in zeolite catalysts under working conditions (e.g., high temperature, multi-components, and reaction coupling) are then addressed. The macroscopic internal diffusion and the microscopic diffusion occurring in the micro-zones of zeolite crystals (e.g., surface diffusion, diffusion anisotropy, and confined diffusion) are reviewed and discussed in more detail. These diffusion behaviors highly impact the underlying reaction mechanism, catalytic performances, and catalyst optimization strategies. Finally, the multi-type pore systems of practical zeolite catalysts in industrial reactors and their transport behaviors are analyzed. The fully-crystalline monolithic zeolites in the absence of binders are highlighted as rising-star catalytic materials for industrial applications. The research challenges in this field and the potential future development directions are summarized.

Graphical abstract: Molecular transport in zeolite catalysts: depicting an integrated picture from macroscopic to microscopic scales

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
03 Feb 2022
First published
07 Sep 2022

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2022,51, 8174-8200

Molecular transport in zeolite catalysts: depicting an integrated picture from macroscopic to microscopic scales

X. Liu, C. Wang, J. Zhou, C. Liu, Z. Liu, J. Shi, Y. Wang, J. Teng and Z. Xie, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2022, 51, 8174 DOI: 10.1039/D2CS00079B

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