Issue 15, 2022

Pickering interfacial catalysts for asymmetric organocatalysis


Proline-catalyzed aldol reactions have been developed as an important toolbox for the synthesis of valuable chiral intermediates, giving birth to asymmetric organocatalysis. Despite progress, their current applications are generally performed in highly polar solvents that are either difficult to remove or with low substrate/product solubility. In addition, prolines are often used as homogeneous organocatalysts in these solvents, thus, the recycling of catalyst for reuse is also challenging. To solve these problems, we develop a proline-based Pickering emulsion for asymmetric aldol reactions with high reactivity and selectivity. The emulsion was stabilized by proline-functionalized silica nanoparticles that are not only highly active in the presence of water but also easily recycled after the operation. Interestingly, their high stereoselectivity was not compromised after multiple reuse, i.e., >86 ee (enantiomeric excess) in the first and second use. With this demonstration, we prove the concept that efficient and selective aldol reactions are enabled by proline-based Pickering emulsions, which is a great and continuous contribution to the field of asymmetric organocatalysis.

Graphical abstract: Pickering interfacial catalysts for asymmetric organocatalysis

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
18 Mar 2022
31 May 2022
First published
01 Jun 2022

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2022,12, 4811-4816

Pickering interfacial catalysts for asymmetric organocatalysis

Z. Sun, J. Jurica, R. Hübner and C. Wu, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2022, 12, 4811 DOI: 10.1039/D2CY00516F

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