Issue 8, 2022

A mechanically adaptive hydrogel neural interface based on silk fibroin for high-efficiency neural activity recording


A flexible non-transient electrical platform that can realize bidirectional neural communication from living tissues is of great interest in neuroscience to better understand basic neuroscience and the nondrug therapy of diseases or disorders. The development of soft, biocompatible, and conductive neural interface with mechanical coupling and efficient electrical exchange is a new trend but remains a challenge. Herein, we designed a multifunctional neural electrical communication platform in the form of a mechanically compliant, electrically conductive, and biocompatible hydrogel electrode. Silk fibroin (SF) obtained from Bombyx Mori cocoons was compounded with aldehyde-hyaluronic acid (HA-CHO) with a dynamic network to delay or interrupt the β-sheet-induced hardening of SF chains, resulting in the fabrication of a hydrogel matrix that is mechanically matched to biological tissues. Moreover, the incorporation of functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) facilitated interaction and dispersion and enabled the formation of a hydrogel electrode with a high-current percolation network, thus contributing toward improving the electrical properties in terms of conductivity, impedance, and charge storage capabilities. These advances allow high-efficiency stimulation and the recording of neural signals during in vivo implantation. Overall, a wide range of animal experiments demonstrate that the platform exhibits minimal foreign body responses, thus showing it to be a promising electrophysiology interface for potential applications in neuroscience.

Graphical abstract: A mechanically adaptive hydrogel neural interface based on silk fibroin for high-efficiency neural activity recording

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Article information

Article type
29 Apr 2022
07 Jun 2022
First published
08 Jun 2022

Mater. Horiz., 2022,9, 2215-2225

A mechanically adaptive hydrogel neural interface based on silk fibroin for high-efficiency neural activity recording

J. Ding, Z. Chen, X. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Jiang, Z. Qiao, Y. Zhang, Z. Xiao, D. Wei, J. Sun, F. Luo, L. Zhou and H. Fan, Mater. Horiz., 2022, 9, 2215 DOI: 10.1039/D2MH00533F

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