Issue 29, 2022

Strain- and electric field-enhanced optical properties of the penta-siligraphene monolayer


Two-dimensional (2D) Si-based materials are very attractive for use in electronic devices due to their main advantages, such as hardness, stability and non-toxicity. In this work, we study the electronic and optical properties of the penta-siligraphene (p-Si2C4) monolayer with/without effects of biaxial strain (εb) and external electric field (E) using density functional theory (DFT). The structural, dynamic and thermal stabilities of the p-Si2C4 monolayer were confirmed by its negative formation energy, absence of soft modes in the phonon dispersion curve and small drift in the total energy at standard temperature, respectively. Our results showed that the p-Si2C4 monolayer is an indirect semiconductor with a bandgap of 1.39 eV. We found that under the effect of biaxial strain and electric field, a semiconductor-to-metal phase transition occurs and the bandgap depends on both εb and E. Indeed, the bandgap decreases under compressive strain and both negative and positive electric fields, while the bandgap increases slightly with a tensile strain of up to 2%. For the optical properties, the p-Si2C4 monolayer has a high optical absorption of the order of ∼105/106 cm−1 in both visible/UV ranges and it can be enhanced by biaxial strain. This improvement in optical absorption can increase the range of applicability of p-Si2C4 in optoelectronics.

Graphical abstract: Strain- and electric field-enhanced optical properties of the penta-siligraphene monolayer

Article information

Article type
18 May 2022
22 Jun 2022
First published
05 Jul 2022

New J. Chem., 2022,46, 13905-13917

Strain- and electric field-enhanced optical properties of the penta-siligraphene monolayer

M. Maymoun, S. Oukahou, Y. Bahou, A. Hasnaoui and K. Sbiaai, New J. Chem., 2022, 46, 13905 DOI: 10.1039/D2NJ02485C

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