Issue 4, 2022

Biosynthesis of fungal polyketides by collaborating and trans-acting enzymes


Covering: 1999 up to 2021

Fungal polyketides encompass a range of structurally diverse molecules with a wide variety of biological activities. The giant multifunctional enzymes that synthesize polyketide backbones remain enigmatic, as do many of the tailoring enzymes involved in functional modifications. Recent advances in elucidating biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) have revealed numerous examples of fungal polyketide synthases that require the action of collaborating enzymes to synthesize the carbon backbone. This review will discuss collaborating and trans-acting enzymes involved in loading, extending, and releasing polyketide intermediates from fungal polyketide synthases, and additional modifications introduced by trans-acting enzymes demonstrating the complexity encountered when investigating natural product biosynthesis in fungi.

Graphical abstract: Biosynthesis of fungal polyketides by collaborating and trans-acting enzymes

Article information

Article type
Review Article
27 Aug 2021
First published
24 Nov 2021

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2022,39, 754-783

Biosynthesis of fungal polyketides by collaborating and trans-acting enzymes

E. Skellam, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2022, 39, 754 DOI: 10.1039/D1NP00056J

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