Issue 3, 2022

Construction of fluorescence logic gates responding to telomerase and miRNA based on DNA-templated silver nanoclusters and the hybridization chain reaction


In this study, we have developed novel fluorescence logic gates for simultaneous analysis of telomerase activity and miRNA. An imperfectly complementary duplex is assembled which can be destroyed by telomerase catalyzed extension or miRNA mediated strand displacement. The released single-stranded DNA further initiates the subsequent hybridization chain reaction. The output response of the OR gate originates from fuel strand-templated silver nanoclusters (AgNCs). On the other hand, a three-way junction is constructed for the AND gate, which can be destroyed in the presence of miRNA and telomerase. The finally released DNA is also applied to trigger the hybridization chain reaction for the generation of a fluorescence response. The constructed logic gates are sensitive and reliable in the analysis of telomerase and miRNA for potential practical applications.

Graphical abstract: Construction of fluorescence logic gates responding to telomerase and miRNA based on DNA-templated silver nanoclusters and the hybridization chain reaction

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
26 Aug 2021
06 Dec 2021
First published
06 Dec 2021

Nanoscale, 2022,14, 612-616

Construction of fluorescence logic gates responding to telomerase and miRNA based on DNA-templated silver nanoclusters and the hybridization chain reaction

Y. Jiang, Z. Guo, M. Wang, J. Cui and P. Miao, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 612 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR05622K

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