Issue 28, 2022

A robust spin-dependent Seebeck effect and remarkable spin thermoelectric performance in graphether nanoribbons


The generation of spin currents is a significant issue in spintronics. A spin current can be induced by a temperature gradient in the spin-dependent Seebeck effect, which has attracted growing interest over recent years. Herein we propose spin caloritronic devices based on magnetic graphether nanoribbons and investigate the spin thermoelectric properties by first-principles calculations. Owing to the symmetrical spin-resolved transmission spectra, our devices exhibit a robust spin-dependent Seebeck effect and could generate a pure spin current. Moreover, they manifest a high spin Seebeck coefficient and a giant spin figure of merit. Our findings demonstrate that graphether-nanoribbon-based devices possess remarkable spin thermoelectric performance, and might be promising candidates for spin caloritronics.

Graphical abstract: A robust spin-dependent Seebeck effect and remarkable spin thermoelectric performance in graphether nanoribbons

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Article information

Article type
20 Apr 2022
02 Jun 2022
First published
02 Jun 2022

Nanoscale, 2022,14, 10033-10040

A robust spin-dependent Seebeck effect and remarkable spin thermoelectric performance in graphether nanoribbons

Y. Jiang, Y. Guo, L. Lin and X. Yan, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 10033 DOI: 10.1039/D2NR02175G

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