Issue 3, 2022, Issue in Progress

A method to estimate the size of single-chain nanoparticles under severe crowding conditions


Single-chain nanoparticles (SCNPs) result from the folding of isolated polymer chains via intramolecular interactions. Currently, there is no theory able to rationalize the astonishing conformational behaviour of SCNPs under severe crowding conditions (e.g., highly concentrated solutions, all-polymer nanocomposites) and, specifically, the significant size reduction observed in highly crowded solutions of covalent-bonded SCNPs and all-polymer nanocomposites containing SCNPs. Herein, we propose a valuable method to estimate the size of SCNPs under crowding. The method – which is based on combining MD simulations results with scaling concepts – is also useful for ring polymers and nanostructured Janus-shaped SCNPs.

Graphical abstract: A method to estimate the size of single-chain nanoparticles under severe crowding conditions

Article information

Article type
15 Dec 2021
04 Jan 2022
First published
10 Jan 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 1571-1575

A method to estimate the size of single-chain nanoparticles under severe crowding conditions

I. Asenjo-Sanz, E. Verde-Sesto and J. A. Pomposo, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 1571 DOI: 10.1039/D1RA09088G

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