Issue 12, 2022

Li4SiO4 Doped-Li7P2S8I solid electrolytes with high lithium stability synthesised using liquid-phase shaking


In this study, mechanical milling and liquid-phase shaking are used to synthesise 3Li2S·P2S5 LiI·xLi4SiO4 (Li7P2S8xLi4SiO4) solid electrolytes. When mechanical milling is used, the electrolyte samples doped with 10 mol% of Li4SiO4 (Li7P2S8I·10Li4SiO4) have the highest ionic conductivity at ∼25–130 °C. When liquid-phase shaking is used, they exhibit a relatively high conductivity of 0.85 mS cm−1 at ∼20 °C, and low activation energy for conduction of 17 kJ mol−1. A cyclic voltammogram shows that there are no redox peaks between −0.3 and +10 V, other than the main peaks near 0 V (v.s. Li/Li+), indicating a wide electrochemical window. The galvanostatic cycling test results demonstrate that the Li7P2S8I·10Li4SiO4 has excellent long-term cycling stability in excess of 680 cycles (1370 h), indicating that it is highly compatible with Li. Thus, Li7P2S8I solid electrolytes doped with Li4SiO4 are synthesised using the liquid-phase shaking method for the first time and achieve a high ionic conductivity of 0.85 mS cm−1 at 25 °C. This work demonstrates the effects of Li4SiO4 doping, which can be used to improve the ionic conductivity and stability against Li anodes with Li7P2S8I solid electrolytes.

Graphical abstract: Li4SiO4 Doped-Li7P2S8I solid electrolytes with high lithium stability synthesised using liquid-phase shaking

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Article type
25 Dec 2021
28 Feb 2022
First published
07 Mar 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 7469-7474

Li4SiO4 Doped-Li7P2S8I solid electrolytes with high lithium stability synthesised using liquid-phase shaking

K. Hikima, H. J. Ler, R. F. Indrawan, H. Muto and A. Matsuda, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 7469 DOI: 10.1039/D1RA09348G

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