Issue 52, 2022, Issue in Progress

Dielectric property and energy storage performance enhancement for iron niobium based tungsten bronze ceramic


Ceramic dielectric capacitors have attracted increasing interest due to their wide applications in pulsed power electronic systems. Nevertheless, synchronously achieving the high energy storage density, high energy storage efficiency and good thermal stability in dielectric ceramics is still a great challenge. Herein, lead free Sr3SmNa2Fe0.5Nb9.5O30 (SSNFN) ceramic with tetragonal tungsten bronze structure was synthesized and characterized, high total energy storage density (2.1 J cm−3), recoverable energy storage density (1.7 J cm−3), energy storage efficiency (80%) and good thermal stability are obtained simultaneously in the compound, due to the contribution of high maximum polarization (Pmax), low remanent polarization (Pr) and large breakdown strength (Eb). The high Pmax is related with the intrinsic characteristic of Sr4Na2Nb10O30 (SNN) based system, while the small Pr and good thermal stability stem from the significantly enhanced relaxor behavior. In addition, the large Eb originates from the improved microstructure with fewer defects and decreased average grain size, and the reduction of electrical heterogeneity compared with SNN. The capacitive performance obtained in this work points out the great potential of tungsten bronze ceramic designed for energy storage applications and pave a feasible way to develop novel lead-free dielectric capacitors.

Graphical abstract: Dielectric property and energy storage performance enhancement for iron niobium based tungsten bronze ceramic

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Article type
29 Aug 2022
11 Nov 2022
First published
25 Nov 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 33816-33824

Dielectric property and energy storage performance enhancement for iron niobium based tungsten bronze ceramic

W. Feng, L. Cheng, X. Hua, X. Chen, H. Zhang and H. Duan, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 33816 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA05403E

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