Issue 49, 2022

Hydrothermal synthesis of carbon quantum dots with size tunability via heterogeneous nucleation


Hydrothermal synthesis has been extensively utilized for fabricating carbon quantum dots (CQDs). Generally, the average sizes of the CQDs are controlled by using specific precursor concentrations, processing temperatures, and reaction times. In our study, the average size of CQDs can simply be controlled by using a different filling volume of sucrose solution in the hydrothermal reactor while keeping the other experimental parameters constant. If homogeneous nucleation plays a major role in the hydrothermal synthesis, the CQDs synthesized by using different filling volumes should have relatively the same size. Nonetheless, we found that the average size of CQDs is inversely correlated with the filling volumes. Particularly, for the hydrothermal syntheses with the filling volumes of 20%, 50%, and 80%, the average size of the CQDs is 15, 13, and 4 nm, respectively. Therefore, the hydrothermal synthesis of CQDs with size-tunability can be achieved by the heterogeneous process associated with the total surface areas between the precursor and reactor.

Graphical abstract: Hydrothermal synthesis of carbon quantum dots with size tunability via heterogeneous nucleation

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Article information

Article type
22 Sep 2022
28 Oct 2022
First published
08 Nov 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 31729-31733

Hydrothermal synthesis of carbon quantum dots with size tunability via heterogeneous nucleation

N. Nammahachak, K. K. Aup-Ngoen, P. Asanithi, M. Horpratum, S. Chuangchote, S. Ratanaphan and W. Surareungchai, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 31729 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA05989D

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