Issue 40, 2022

Ultrastrong, flame-retardant, intrinsically weldable, and highly conductive metallized Kevlar fabrics


Conductive textiles are promising components for next-generation wearable electronics. However, it is still a challenge for current conductive textiles and wearable electronic devices to survive in harsh environments, such as extreme mechanical damages and low/high-temperature stresses. Herein, we report ultrastrong, flame-retardant, intrinsically weldable, and highly conductive metallized Kevlar fabrics (MKFs) fabricated via polymer-assisted electroless deposition (ELD) and electrodeposition (ED) techniques. The combination of ELD and ED techniques effectively metallizes the Kevlar fabrics, enabling ultrahigh conductivity (sheet resistance <0.007 Ω sq−1). More importantly, the deposited metal layers significantly enhance the anti-impact properties of Kevlar fabrics by 2–3 times. Due to the inherent properties of Kevlar and effective metal coatings, the MKFs maintain conductivity while suffering various mechanical damages (GPa-scale tensile strength, cutting, sticking, etc.), high temperatures (∼300 °C), and even flame stresses. Surprisingly, the MKFs show intrinsic weldability with traditional solder materials. The multifunctional applications of such high-performance metallized fabrics are demonstrated as textile-based conductors, heaters, and supercapacitors, all of which could survive in extremely harsh conditions.

Graphical abstract: Ultrastrong, flame-retardant, intrinsically weldable, and highly conductive metallized Kevlar fabrics

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Article information

Article type
19 Jul 2022
15 Sep 2022
First published
16 Sep 2022

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022,10, 21379-21389

Ultrastrong, flame-retardant, intrinsically weldable, and highly conductive metallized Kevlar fabrics

X. Lu, Y. Ye, W. Shang, S. Huang, H. Wang, T. Gan, G. Chen, L. Deng, Q. Wu and X. Zhou, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10, 21379 DOI: 10.1039/D2TA05702F

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