High entropy induced structural stabilization, anisotropy transition and magnetization enhancement effect in La2Co17
Binary R2Co17 (R = rare earth metals except for La) intermetallic compounds show excellent magnetic properties and have potential application in high-temperature magnet; however, binary La2Co17 does not exist naturally, and its structure is expected to be stabilized via the design of high entropy at the La site. In this work, the high-entropy intermetallic compound (La1/4Pr1/4Nd1/4Sm1/4)2Co17 is designed and prepared using vacuum arc melting technology, and its crystal structure, elemental composition, and magnetic properties are systematically studied using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy, and magnetic measurements. (La1/4Pr1/4Nd1/4Sm1/4)2Co17 is experimentally and theoretically confirmed to be a rhombohedral single phase with a configuration entropy of 11.52 J mol−1 K−1 at the La site. The high entropy can not only stabilize the La2Co17 phase but also improve the magnetic properties. The magnetic moment of (La1/4Pr1/4Nd1/4Sm1/4)2Co17 is 39.81 μB at 5 K, which is larger than the maximum value among the Pr2Co17, Nd2Co17, and Sm2Co17 compounds. In (La1/4Pr1/4Nd1/4Sm1/4)2Co17, the easy axis tends to be along the c axis with an anisotropy field of 17.25 kOe. It is suggested that the high entropy at the La site induces the change in the magnetic anisotropy from the basal plane to the easy axis in (La1/4Pr1/4Nd1/4Sm1/4)2Co17.