Issue 13, 2023

A novel coumarin derivative-modified cellulose fluorescent probe for selective and sensitive detection of CN in food samples


In this work, a novel coumarin derivative-modified cellulose acetate (DCB-CA) was synthesized as a fluorescent probe for highly selective and sensitive determination of CN in food samples. The DCB-CA was synthesized by using CA as a skeleton, and the coumarin derivative as the fluorophore. The DCB-CA obtained was characterized by different methods including FTIR, SEM, 1H-NMR, TGA and UV-vis spectroscopy. The DCB-CA exhibited a significant “turn-off” fluorescence response to CN, accompanied by a distinct fluorescence color change from bright yellow to colorless. The detection limit of CN using DCB-CA was calculated to be 5.8 × 10−7 M, which was much lower than the threshold limit of CN recommended by the World Health Organization (1.9 × 10−6 M). Because of the favorable solubility and processability of the CA, the DCB-CA was easily processed into different fluorescent materials including fluorescent films and coatings. The fluorescent film obtained was also applied to the selective detection of CN. Furthermore, the DCB-CA was successfully applied to determine CN in food samples.

Graphical abstract: A novel coumarin derivative-modified cellulose fluorescent probe for selective and sensitive detection of CN− in food samples

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Article information

Article type
18 Nov 2022
01 Mar 2023
First published
01 Mar 2023

Anal. Methods, 2023,15, 1639-1648

A novel coumarin derivative-modified cellulose fluorescent probe for selective and sensitive detection of CN in food samples

J. Kou, Z. Meng, X. Wang, Z. Wang and Y. Yang, Anal. Methods, 2023, 15, 1639 DOI: 10.1039/D2AY01886A

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