Issue 18, 2023

A blade-like CoZn metal organic framework-based flexible quasi-solid Zn-ion battery


Wearable flexible electronics has become more and more significant and popular in daily life. Here, a flexible quasi-solid Zn-ion battery consisting of CoZn-metal organic frameworks (MOFs) grown on carbon cloth as an all-in-one cathode working with a hydrogel electrolyte is developed. CoZn MOFs display a blade-like morphology, which is significant for rapid transfer of ions and electrons. The battery bending at angles from 0° to 180° displays high capacities and good capacity retention, and the capacity remains stable as the flexible battery twists to 90°. In addition, the capacity exceeds 101.4 mA h g−1 as the battery is folded to 180° for 30 times, which indicates that the developed Zn-ion batteries would be applicable for a large variety of wearable devices such as foldable cellphones and pads.

Graphical abstract: A blade-like CoZn metal organic framework-based flexible quasi-solid Zn-ion battery

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Article information

Article type
08 Jan 2023
03 Feb 2023
First published
06 Feb 2023

Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 2640-2643

A blade-like CoZn metal organic framework-based flexible quasi-solid Zn-ion battery

Y. Zhu, T. Han, X. Lin, H. Zhang, C. Hu and J. Liu, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 2640 DOI: 10.1039/D3CC00107E

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