Issue 54, 2023

A mesoporous Al2O3 zincophilic sieve enables ultra-long lifespan of Zn-ion batteries


The Zn dendrite growth and side reactions hinder the practical application of aqueous Zn-ion batteries. Here, a lactic acid-induced mesoporous Al2O3 (LA-MA) zincophilic sieve was constructed on a Zn anode to resolve these issues. The LA-MA layer with abundant mesoporous ion channels of 3.0 nm can regulate the solvation structure from [Zn2+(H2O)6]SO42− to more highly coordinated [Zn2+(H2O)5OSO32−] and restrain water-induced side reactions. Furthermore, the electrostatic attraction with zincophilic groups (C[double bond, length as m-dash]O, C–O) in the LA-MA layer has a positive effect on reducing the Zn2+ desolvation barrier and accelerating the Zn2+ diffusion. Under the synergism, the LA-MA@Zn symmetric cell exhibits over 5100 h at 0.25 mA cm−2. Impressively, an excellent capacity retention of 94.2% is achieved after 3500 cycles for the CNT/MnO2 cathode.

Graphical abstract: A mesoporous Al2O3 zincophilic sieve enables ultra-long lifespan of Zn-ion batteries

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Article information

Article type
27 Apr 2023
13 Jun 2023
First published
13 Jun 2023

Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 8448-8451

A mesoporous Al2O3 zincophilic sieve enables ultra-long lifespan of Zn-ion batteries

Q. Wu, K. Qi, M. Liu, Z. Fan, X. Ding, S. Chen and Y. Zhu, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 8448 DOI: 10.1039/D3CC02035E

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