Issue 8, 2023

FDU-12-C encapsulated t-Bu(R,R)CoII(salen) as a cathode catalyst for asymmetric electrocarboxylation of 1-phenylethyl chloride with CO2


The synthesis of high value-added organic carboxylic acids, especially chiral carboxylic acids, from the electrochemical fixation of CO2 with organic molecules under mild conditions is very important and challenging. In this paper, t-Bu(R,R)CoII(salen)@FDU-12-C composites were prepared as an effective electrocatalytic material for asymmetric electrocarboxylation of 1-phenylethyl chloride. Under optimized conditions, the product, optically active 2-phenylpropionic acid, was obtained with an enantiomeric excess (ee) value of 86% and a yield of 40%. While effectively catalyzing reactions, encapsulated t-Bu(R,R)CoII(salen)@FDU-12-C composites can significantly reduce the amount of chiral t-Bu(R,R)CoII(salen) used, and are easily separated, stable and reusable.

Graphical abstract: FDU-12-C encapsulated t-Bu(R,R)CoII(salen) as a cathode catalyst for asymmetric electrocarboxylation of 1-phenylethyl chloride with CO2

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Article information

Article type
31 Jan 2023
14 Mar 2023
First published
14 Mar 2023

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2023,13, 2370-2376

FDU-12-C encapsulated t-Bu(R,R)CoII(salen) as a cathode catalyst for asymmetric electrocarboxylation of 1-phenylethyl chloride with CO2

Y. Wang, R. Xiong, L. Wang, H. Liu, J. Lu and H. Wang, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2023, 13, 2370 DOI: 10.1039/D3CY00146F

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