The binding of reducible N2 in the reaction domain of nitrogenase†
The binding of N2 to FeMo-co, the catalytic site of the enzyme nitrogenase, is central to the conversion to NH3, but also has a separate role in promoting the N2-dependent HD reaction (D2 + 2H+ + 2e− → 2HD). The protein surrounding FeMo-co contains a clear channel for ingress of N2, directly towards the exo-coordination position of Fe2, a position which is outside the catalytic reaction domain. This led to the hypothesis [I. Dance, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 12717] of ‘promotional’ N2 bound at exo-Fe2, and a second ‘reducible’ N2 bound in the reaction domain, specifically the endo-coordination position of Fe2 or Fe6. The range of possibilities for the binding of reducible N2 in the presence of bound promotional N2 is described here, using density functional simulations with a 486 atom model of the active site and surrounding protein. The pathway for ingress of the second N2 through protein, past the first N2 at exo-Fe2, and tumbling into the binding domain between Fe2 and Fe6, is described. The calculations explore 24 structures involving 6 different forms of hydrogenated FeMo-co, including structures with S2BH unhooked from Fe2 but tethered to Fe6. The calculations use the most probable electronic states. End-on (η1) binding of N2 at the endo position of either Fe2 or Fe6 is almost invariably exothermic, with binding potential energies ranging up to −18 kcal mol−1. Many structures have binding energies in the range −6 to −14 kcal mol−1. The relevant entropic penalty for N2 binding from a diffusible position within the protein is estimated to be 4 kcal mol−1, and so the binding free energies for reducible N2 are suitably negative. N2 binding at endo-Fe2 is stronger than at endo-Fe6 in three of the six structure categories. In many cases the reaction domain containing reducible N2 is expanded. These results inform computational simulation of the subsequent steps in which surrounding H atoms transfer to reducible N2.