Issue 45, 2023

What do we know about bifunctional cage-like T8 silsesquioxanes? Theory versus lab routine


In this article, we explore theoretical validations of experimental findings pertaining to the classical corner-capping reactions of a commercially available heptaisobutyltrisilanol cage to mono-substituted phenylhepta(isobutyl)-POSS cages. Additionally, the process of opening a fully condensed cage is tracked to assess the possibility of isolating and separating the resulting isomers. The corner-capping reactions of potential silanotriols, both as monomers and dimers, and the impact of these structural motifs on their closing to bifunctional POSS cages are also investigated. Our studies highlight that analyzing experimental results alone, without incorporating complex theoretical investigations, does not offer a clear understanding of the reactions involving multiple simultaneously reacting substrates, which may also undergo further transformations, potentially complicating the conventional pathways of classic corner-opening/capping reactions.

Graphical abstract: What do we know about bifunctional cage-like T8 silsesquioxanes? Theory versus lab routine

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Article type
13 Aug 2023
27 Sep 2023
First published
29 Sep 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 16607-16615

What do we know about bifunctional cage-like T8 silsesquioxanes? Theory versus lab routine

K. Fuchs, E. Nizioł, J. Ejfler, W. Zierkiewicz, A. Władyczyn and Ł. John, Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 16607 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT02638H

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