Issue 8, 2023

Periodic fracture behaviour of nanomembranes


Fracture control in membranes is highly desirable in nano-technology, but is a great challenge because of the ‘multi-scale’ complexity of fracture initiation and propagation. Here, we devise a method that can controllably direct fractures in stiff nanomembranes, realized by 90° peeling of the nanomembrane overlaid on a soft film, i.e., a stiff/soft bilayer, from a substrate underneath. The peeling allows the stiff membrane to be creased into a soft film periodically in the bending region and fractured along the unique bottom line of the crease, i.e, the fracture route is strictly straight and periodic. The facture period is tunable, because the surface perimeter of the creases is determined by the thickness and modulus of the stiff membranes. This is a new kind of fracture behavior of stiff membranes, which is unique to stiff/soft bilayers but universally exists in such systems, promising a new generation of technology for cutting nanomembranes.

Graphical abstract: Periodic fracture behaviour of nanomembranes

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
21 Mar 2023
09 May 2023
First published
16 May 2023

Mater. Horiz., 2023,10, 3135-3139

Periodic fracture behaviour of nanomembranes

Y. Meng, J. Zhang, B. Li, L. Li, Q. Wang and W. Guo, Mater. Horiz., 2023, 10, 3135 DOI: 10.1039/D3MH00422H

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