Porosity evolution and oxide formation in bulk nanoporous copper dealloyed from a copper–manganese alloy studied by in situ resistometry†
The synthesis of bulk nanoporous copper (npCu) from a copper–manganese alloy by electrochemical dealloying and free corrosion as well as the electrochemical behaviour of the dealloyed structures is investigated by in situ resistometry. In comparison to the well-established nanoporous gold (npAu) system, npCu shows strongly suppressed reordering processes in the porous structure (behind the etch front), which can be attributed to pronounced manganese oxide formation. Characteristic variations with the electrolyte concentration and potential applied for dealloying could be observed. Cyclic voltammetry was used to clarify the electrochemical behaviour of npCu. Oxide formation is further investigated by SEM and EDX revealing a hybrid composite of copper and manganese oxide on the surface of a metallic copper skeleton. Platelet-like structures embedded in the porous structure are identified which are rich in manganese oxide after prolonged dealloying. As an outlook, this unique heterogeneous structure with a large surface area and the inherent properties of manganese and copper oxides may offer application potential for the development of electrodes for energy storage and catalysis.