Issue 6, 2023

Aluminium substitution in Sb2S3 nanorods enhances the stability of the microstructure and high-rate capability in the alloying regime


Alloy anodes, with twice the capacity of graphite, are promising for next-generation lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). However, poor rate-capability and cycling stability, mainly due to pulverization, have limited their application. By constraining the cutoff voltage to the alloying regime (1 V to 10 mV vs. Li/Li+), we show that Sb1.9Al0.1S3 nanorods provide excellent electrochemical performance, with an initial capacity of ∼450 mA h g−1 and excellent cycling stability with 63% retention (capacity ∼240 mA h g−1 after 1000 cycles at 5C-rate), unlike 71.4 mA h g−1 after 500 cycles observed in full-regime cycling. When conversion cycling is also involved the capacity degrades faster (<20% retention after 200 cycles) irrespective of Al doping. The contribution of alloy storage to total capacity is always larger than the conversion storage indicating the superiority of the former. The formation of crystalline Sb(Al) is noted in Sb1.9Al0.1S3, unlike amorphous Sb in Sb2S3. Retention of the nanorod microstructure in Sb1.9Al0.1S3 despite the volume expansion enhances the performance. On the contrary, the Sb2S3 nanorod electrode gets pulverized and the surface shows microcracks. Percolating Sb nanoparticles buffered by the Li2S matrix and other polysulfides enhance the performance of the electrode. These studies pave the way for high-energy and high-power density LIBs with alloy anodes.

Graphical abstract: Aluminium substitution in Sb2S3 nanorods enhances the stability of the microstructure and high-rate capability in the alloying regime

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Article type
10 Oct 2022
14 Feb 2023
First published
06 Mar 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2023,5, 1802-1815

Aluminium substitution in Sb2S3 nanorods enhances the stability of the microstructure and high-rate capability in the alloying regime

A. K. Budumuru, L. Yelamnchi and C. Sudakar, Nanoscale Adv., 2023, 5, 1802 DOI: 10.1039/D2NA00695B

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