Issue 33, 2023

Critical dimension prediction of metal oxide nanoparticle photoresists for electron beam lithography using a recurrent neural network


The critical dimension (CD) of lithographic patterns is the most significant indicator for evaluating the imaging performance of photoresists, and its value is seriously affected by process conditions. However, the lithographic imaging system is highly nonlinear, and extensive exposure experiments are needed to obtain the desired CD. This consumes lots of time, manpower, and cost in screening for optimal process conditions. Here, we report a combined electron beam lithography (EBL) experiment and recurrent neural network (RNN) study on the CDs of metal oxide nanoparticle photoresists, and establish a CD RNN model. Leveraging the RNN model, a process condition filter is developed to screen suitable process conditions. The experimental results demonstrate that the prediction accuracy of the CD model exceeds 93%, and the photoresist patterns under the screened process conditions can satisfy the requirements of a preset CD. This work opens up a novel perspective for accurate EBL process modeling, and provides guidance for EBL experiments.

Graphical abstract: Critical dimension prediction of metal oxide nanoparticle photoresists for electron beam lithography using a recurrent neural network

Article information

Article type
23 Mar 2023
27 Jul 2023
First published
10 Aug 2023

Nanoscale, 2023,15, 13692-13698

Critical dimension prediction of metal oxide nanoparticle photoresists for electron beam lithography using a recurrent neural network

R. Zhao, X. Wang, Z. Hu, H. Xu and X. He, Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 13692 DOI: 10.1039/D3NR01356A

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