Issue 45, 2023

An electrospun nanofiber mat as an electrode for AC-dielectrophoretic trapping of nanoparticles


In order to trap nanoparticles with dielectrophoresis, high electric field gradients are needed. Here we created large area (>mm2) conductive carbon nanofiber mats to trap nanoparticles with dielectrophoresis. The electrospun fiber mats had an average diameter of 267 ± 94 nm and a conductivity of 2.55 S cm−1. Relative to cleanroom procedures, this procedure is less expensive in creating bulk conductive nanoscale features. The electrospun fiber mat was used as one electrode, with an indium-tin-oxide glass slide serving as the other (separated approximately 150 μm). Numerical models showed that conductive nanoscale fibers can generate significant field gradients sufficient to overcome Brownian transport of nanoparticles. Our experiments trapped 20 nm fluorescent polystyrene beads at 7 Vrms and 1 kHz. Trapping is further enhanced through simultaneous electrohydrodynamic motion. Overall, this straightforward electrospun fiber mat can serve as a foundation for future use in microscale electrokinetic devices.

Graphical abstract: An electrospun nanofiber mat as an electrode for AC-dielectrophoretic trapping of nanoparticles

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
06 Sep 2023
06 Nov 2023
First published
10 Nov 2023

Nanoscale, 2023,15, 18241-18249

Author version available

An electrospun nanofiber mat as an electrode for AC-dielectrophoretic trapping of nanoparticles

T. K. Mondal, J. H. West and S. J. Williams, Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 18241 DOI: 10.1039/D3NR04496C

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