Issue 15, 2023

Structures and electric properties of PANI/polymorphic-ZrO2 composites


A polyaniline/zirconia (PANI/ZrO2) composite has been successfully synthesized using an in situ method with HCl used as a doping agent, SDBS as a surfactant and APS as an oxidant. The filler variations were comprised of various phases, which are amorphous, tetragonal, monoclinic and a mixture of tetragonal–monoclinic and varied volumes of 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10%. Amorphous, tetragonal and a mixture of tetragonal–monoclinic ZrO2 were obtained from purifying natural zircon sand (ZrSiO4), while monoclinic ZrO2 was obtained from commercial materials. The structure characterisation was performed using X-ray diffraction and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR). The morphology was observed using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The electrical properties of impedance, dielectric constant and dielectric losses, and electrical conductivity were characterised using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The research results showed that the filler phase had an effect towards the electrical properties of PANI/ZrO2. The impedance of PANI as well as PANI/ZrO2 showed a constant phase element (CPE) behaviour with impedance values of 9.87, 9.16, 13.31, and 79.59 kΩ for the composites with amorphous filler, monoclinic filler, tetragonal filler, and tetragonal–monoclinic filler, respectively. The dielectric constant and dielectric losses decreased with the increasing amount of ZrO2 filler. The AC conductivity of PANI/ZrO2 was found to be lower when compared to PANI for all of the filler phases and volume fractions.

Graphical abstract: Structures and electric properties of PANI/polymorphic-ZrO2 composites

Article information

Article type
17 Feb 2023
23 Mar 2023
First published
03 Apr 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2023,13, 10414-10423

Structures and electric properties of PANI/polymorphic-ZrO2 composites

Munaji, M. Zainuri and Triwikantoro, RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 10414 DOI: 10.1039/D3RA01088K

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