Issue 26, 2023

Computational insights into the mechanisms and origins of switchable selectivity in gold(i)-catalyzed annulation of ynamides with isoxazoles via 6π-electrocyclizations of azaheptatrienyl cations


Electrocyclizations of acyclic conjugated π-motifs have emerged as a versatile and effective strategy for accessing various ring systems with excellent functional group tolerability and controllable selectivity. Typically, the realization of 6π-electrocyclization of heptatrienyl cations to afford seven-membered motif has proven difficult due to the high-energy state of the cyclizing seven-membered intermediate. Instead, it undergoes the Nazarov cyclization, affording a five-membered pyrrole product. However, the incorporation of a Au(I)-catalyst, a nitrogen atom and tosylamide group in the heptatrienyl cations unexpectedly circumvented the aforementioned high energy state to afford a seven-membered azepine product via 6π-electrocyclization in the annulation of 3-en-1-ynamides with isoxazoles. Therefore, extensive computational studies were carried out to investigate the mechanism of Au(I)-catalyzed [4+3] annulation of 3-en-1-ynamides with dimethylisoxazoles to produce a seven-membered 4H-azepine via the 6π-electrocyclization of azaheptatrienyl cations. Computational results showed that after the formation of the key α-imino gold carbene intermediate, the annulation of 3-en-1-ynamides with dimethylisoxazole occurs via the unusual 6π-electrocyclization to afford a seven-membered 4H-azepine exclusively. However, the annulation of 3-cyclohexen-1-ynamides with dimethylisoxazole occurs via the commonly proposed aza-Nazarov cyclization pathway to majorly generate five-membered pyrrole derivatives. The results from the DFT predictive analysis revealed that the key factors responsible for the different chemo-, and regio-selectivities observed are the cooperating effect of the tosylamide group on C1, the uninterrupted π-conjugation pattern of the α-imino gold(I) carbene and the substitution pattern at the cyclization termini. The Au(I)-catalyst is believed to assist in the stabilization of the azaheptatrienyl cation.

Graphical abstract: Computational insights into the mechanisms and origins of switchable selectivity in gold(i)-catalyzed annulation of ynamides with isoxazoles via 6π-electrocyclizations of azaheptatrienyl cations

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Article type
29 Apr 2023
05 Jun 2023
First published
14 Jun 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2023,13, 18025-18037

Computational insights into the mechanisms and origins of switchable selectivity in gold(I)-catalyzed annulation of ynamides with isoxazoles via 6π-electrocyclizations of azaheptatrienyl cations

A. A. Badeji, Y. Liu, S. D. Oladipo and A. D. Osinubi, RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 18025 DOI: 10.1039/D3RA02839A

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