Issue 39, 2023, Issue in Progress

Isolation of sulfonosphingolipids from the rosette-inducing bacterium Zobellia uliginosa and evaluation of their rosette-inducing activity


The choanoflagellate Salpingoeca rosetta transitions from unicellular to multicellular forms in the presence of bacterial signaling molecules, such as sulfonosphingolipids (RIFs). We set out to characterize the abundance of RIF-like molecules within five different Bacteroidetes strains belonging to different genera. While four strains exhibited similar sulfonosphingolipid profiles with sulfobacin A as the dominant feature, the composition in Z. uliginosa differed distinctively. Targeted isolation yielded four sulfonosphingolipids, including the previously reported flavocristamide A. While none of the sulfonosphingolipids induced rosette formation, a negative impact on choanoflagellate growth and cell density was observed. In contrast, supernatant extracts of Zobellia depleted in sulfonosphingolipid-like features provoked rosette formation in S. rosetta indicating for the presence of yet another morphogenic compound class.

Graphical abstract: Isolation of sulfonosphingolipids from the rosette-inducing bacterium Zobellia uliginosa and evaluation of their rosette-inducing activity

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Article type
28 Jun 2023
22 Aug 2023
First published
14 Sep 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2023,13, 27520-27524

Isolation of sulfonosphingolipids from the rosette-inducing bacterium Zobellia uliginosa and evaluation of their rosette-inducing activity

C. Peng, N. Dormanns, L. Regestein and C. Beemelmanns, RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 27520 DOI: 10.1039/D3RA04314B

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