Issue 46, 2023, Issue in Progress

Synthesis of 3-hydroxypyridin-4-one derivatives bearing benzyl hydrazide substitutions towards anti-tyrosinase and free radical scavenging activities


Tyrosinase is a vital enzyme in the biosynthesis of melanin, which has a significant role in skin protection. Due to the importance of the tyrosinase enzyme in the cosmetics and health industries, studies to design new tyrosinase inhibitors have been expanded. In this study, the design and synthesis of 3-dihydroxypyridine-4-one derivatives containing benzo hydrazide groups with different substitutions were carried out, and their antioxidant and anti-tyrosinase activities were also evaluated. The proposed compounds showed tyrosinase inhibitory effects (IC50) in the 25.29 to 64.13 μM range. Among all compounds, 6i showed potent anti-tyrosinase activity with an IC50 = 25.29 μM. Also, the antioxidant activity of derivatives by using DPPH radical scavenging indicates an EC50 value between 0.039 and 0.389 mM. Molecular docking studies were performed to reveal the position and interactions of 6i as the most potent inhibitor within the tyrosinase active site. The results showed that 6i binds well to the proposed binding site and forms a stable complex with the target protein. Furthermore, the physicochemical profiles of the tested compounds indicated drug-like and bioavailability properties. The kinetic assay revealed that 6i acts as a competitive inhibitor. Also, for the estimation of the reactivity of the best compound (6i), the density functional theory (DFT) was performed at the B3LYP/6-31+G**.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis of 3-hydroxypyridin-4-one derivatives bearing benzyl hydrazide substitutions towards anti-tyrosinase and free radical scavenging activities

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Article type
23 Sep 2023
10 Oct 2023
First published
07 Nov 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2023,13, 32433-32443

Synthesis of 3-hydroxypyridin-4-one derivatives bearing benzyl hydrazide substitutions towards anti-tyrosinase and free radical scavenging activities

B. Hassani, F. Zare, L. Emami, M. Khoshneviszadeh, R. Fazel, N. Kave, R. Sabet and H. Sadeghpour, RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 32433 DOI: 10.1039/D3RA06490E

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