Issue 8, 2023

Long-term spatiotemporal and highly specific imaging of the plasma membrane of diverse plant cells using a near-infrared AIE probe


Fluorescent probes are valuable tools to visualize plasma membranes intuitively and clearly and their related physiological processes in a spatiotemporal manner. However, most existing probes have only realized the specific staining of the plasma membranes of animal/human cells within a very short time period, while almost no fluorescent probes have been developed for the long-term imaging of the plasma membranes of plant cells. Herein, we designed an AIE-active probe with NIR emission to achieve four-dimensional spatiotemporal imaging of the plasma membranes of plant cells based on a collaboration approach involving multiple strategies, demonstrated long-term real-time monitoring of morphological changes of plasma membranes for the first time, and further proved its wide applicability to plant cells of different types and diverse plant species. In the design concept, three effective strategies including the similarity and intermiscibility principle, antipermeability strategy and strong electrostatic interactions were combined to allow the probe to specifically target and anchor the plasma membrane for an ultralong amount of time on the premise of guaranteeing its sufficiently high aqueous solubility. The designed APMem-1 can quickly penetrate cell walls to specifically stain the plasma membranes of all plant cells in a very short time with advanced features (ultrafast staining, wash-free, and desirable biocompatibility) and the probe shows excellent plasma membrane specificity without staining other areas of the cell in comparison to commercial FM dyes. The longest imaging time of APMem-1 can be up to 10 h with comparable performance in both imaging contrast and imaging integrity. The validation experiments on different types of plant cells and diverse plants convincingly proved the universality of APMem-1. The development of plasma membrane probes with four-dimensional spatial and ultralong-term imaging ability provides a valuable tool to monitor the dynamic processes of plasma membrane-related events in an intuitive and real-time manner.

Graphical abstract: Long-term spatiotemporal and highly specific imaging of the plasma membrane of diverse plant cells using a near-infrared AIE probe

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
15 Oct 2022
19 Jan 2023
First published
19 Jan 2023
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 2139-2148

Long-term spatiotemporal and highly specific imaging of the plasma membrane of diverse plant cells using a near-infrared AIE probe

J. Zuo, E. Zhu, W. Yin, C. Yao, J. Liao, X. Ping, Y. Zhu, X. Cai, Y. Rao, H. Feng, K. Zhang and Z. Qian, Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 2139 DOI: 10.1039/D2SC05727A

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