Issue 4, 2023

Membrane domain formation induced by binding/unbinding of curvature-inducing molecules on both membrane surfaces


The domain formation of curvature-inducing molecules, such as peripheral or transmembrane proteins and conical surfactants, is studied in thermal equilibrium and nonequilibrium steady states using meshless membrane simulations. These molecules can bind to both surfaces of a bilayer membrane and also move to the opposite leaflet by a flip–flop. Under symmetric conditions for the two leaflets, the membrane domains form checkerboard patterns in addition to striped and spot patterns. The unbound membrane stabilizes the vertices of the checkerboard. Under asymmetric conditions, the domains form kagome-lattice and thread-like patterns. In the nonequilibrium steady states, a flow of the binding molecules between the upper and lower solutions can occur via flip–flop.

Graphical abstract: Membrane domain formation induced by binding/unbinding of curvature-inducing molecules on both membrane surfaces

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Article information

Article type
24 Nov 2022
08 Dec 2022
First published
08 Dec 2022

Soft Matter, 2023,19, 679-688

Membrane domain formation induced by binding/unbinding of curvature-inducing molecules on both membrane surfaces

H. Noguchi, Soft Matter, 2023, 19, 679 DOI: 10.1039/D2SM01536F

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