Issue 31, 2023

Decoding chirality in circuit topology of a self entangled chain through braiding


Circuit topology employs fundamental units of entanglement, known as soft contacts, for constructing knots from the bottom up, utilizing circuit topology relations, namely parallel, series, cross, and concerted relations. In this article, we further develop this approach to facilitate the analysis of chirality, which is a significant quantity in polymer chemistry. To achieve this, we translate the circuit topology approach to knot engineering into a braid-theoretic framework. This enables us to calculate the Jones polynomial for all possible binary combinations of contacts in cross or concerted relations and to show that, for series and parallel relations, the polynomial factorises. Our results demonstrate that the Jones polynomial provides a powerful tool for analysing the chirality of molecular knots constructed using circuit topology. The framework presented here can be used to design and engineer a wide range of entangled chain with desired chiral properties, with potential applications in fields such as materials science and nanotechnology.

Graphical abstract: Decoding chirality in circuit topology of a self entangled chain through braiding

Article information

Article type
24 Mar 2023
13 Jul 2023
First published
21 Jul 2023

Soft Matter, 2023,19, 5888-5895

Decoding chirality in circuit topology of a self entangled chain through braiding

J. Berx and A. Mashaghi, Soft Matter, 2023, 19, 5888 DOI: 10.1039/D3SM00390F

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