Issue 41, 2023

Crosslinking strategies in modulating methylcellulose hydrogel properties


Methylcellulose (MC) hydrogels are ideal materials for the design of thermo-responsive platforms capable of exploiting the environment temperature as a driving force to activate their smart transition. However, MC hydrogels usually show reduced stability in an aqueous environment and low mechanical properties, limiting their applications' breadth. A possible approach intended to overcome these limitations is chemical crosslinking, which represents a simple yet effective strategy to modify the MC hydrogels’ properties (e.g., physicochemical, mechanical, and biological). In this regard, understanding the selected crosslinking method's role in modulating the MC hydrogels’ properties is a key factor in their design. This review offers a perspective on the main MC chemical crosslinking approaches reported in the literature. Three main categories can be distinguished: (i) small molecule crosslinkers, (ii) crosslinking by high-energy radiation, and (iii) crosslinking via MC chemical modification. The advantages and limitations of each approach are elucidated, and special consideration is paid to the thermo-responsive properties after crosslinking towards the development of MC hydrogels with enhanced physical stability and mechanical performance, preserving the thermo-responsive behavior.

Graphical abstract: Crosslinking strategies in modulating methylcellulose hydrogel properties

Article information

Article type
Review Article
02 Jun 2023
26 Sep 2023
First published
11 Oct 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Soft Matter, 2023,19, 7869-7884

Crosslinking strategies in modulating methylcellulose hydrogel properties

L. Bonetti, L. De Nardo and S. Farè, Soft Matter, 2023, 19, 7869 DOI: 10.1039/D3SM00721A

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