Issue 46, 2023

Dynamics and rheology of vesicles under confined Poiseuille flow


The rheological behavior and dynamics of a vesicle suspension, serving as a simplified model for red blood cells, are explored within a Poiseuille flow under the Stokes limit. Investigating vesicle response has led to the identification of novel solutions that complement previously documented forms like the parachute and slipper shapes. This study has brought to light the existence of alternative configurations, including a fully off-centered form and a multilobe structure. The study unveils the presence of two distinct branches associated with the slipper shape. One branch arises as a consequence of a supercritical bifurcation from the symmetric parachute shape, while the other emerges from a saddle-node bifurcation. Notably, the findings are represented through diagrams that display data collapsing harmoniously based on a combination of independent dimensionless parameters. Delving into the rheological implications, a remarkable observation emerges: the normalized viscosity (i.e. similar to intrinsic viscosity) exhibits a non-monotonic trend as a function of vesicle concentration. Initially, the normalized viscosity diminishes as the concentration increases, followed by a subsequent rise at higher concentrations. Noteworthy is the presence of a minimum value in the normalized viscosity at lower concentrations, aligning well with the concentrations observed in microcirculation scenarios. The intricate behavior of the normalized viscosity can be attributed to a delicate spatial arrangement within the suspension. Importantly, this trend echoes the observations made in a linear shear flow scenario, thereby underscoring the universality of the rheological behavior for confined suspensions.

Graphical abstract: Dynamics and rheology of vesicles under confined Poiseuille flow

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Article information

Article type
10 Aug 2023
06 Nov 2023
First published
09 Nov 2023

Soft Matter, 2023,19, 9101-9114

Dynamics and rheology of vesicles under confined Poiseuille flow

Z. Gou, H. Zhang, A. Nait-Ouhra, M. Abbasi, A. Farutin and C. Misbah, Soft Matter, 2023, 19, 9101 DOI: 10.1039/D3SM01064C

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