Issue 32, 2023

Promotion of mixed protonic–electronic transport in La5.4WO11.1−δ membranes under H2S atmospheres


Catalytic membrane reactors (CMR) based on H2-separation membranes can improve the performance of thermodynamically-limited reactions such as high-pressure steam methane reforming, ammonia cracking, non-oxidative aromatics production, and water gas shift reaction (WGS). In these industrial processes, the membrane surfaces are typically exposed to steam, CO2, CO, H2S, and hydrocarbons in combination with high temperatures. Therefore, the membrane materials require long-term thermo-chemical stability under the mentioned conditions. Stability in H2S is of outstanding importance since its presence, even at ppm level, gives rise to substantial surface poisoning and decomposition of most materials. Here we characterize the influence of H2S on the crystalline structure, lattice composition, and hydrogen-transport properties of La5.4WO11.1−δ, one of the reference protonic membrane materials. The incorporation of sulfide ions in the crystal lattice is ascertained from XRD, XPS, FESEM, WDS, EDS, and FIB-SIMS analyses. UV-vis spectroscopy and EIS measurements illustrate the effect of the incorporated sulfur in the transport properties, i.e., vigorously promoting the electronic conductivity mediated by the concurrent partial reduction of tungsten cations (W6+). The rise in electronic conductivity allowed an H2 flux of 0.042 mL cm−2 min−1 to be reached at 700 °C for a ∼700 μm-thick membrane, in contrast with negligible H2 permeation in H2S-free conditions.

Graphical abstract: Promotion of mixed protonic–electronic transport in La5.4WO11.1−δ membranes under H2S atmospheres

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Article type
27 Mar 2023
27 Jul 2023
First published
27 Jul 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023,11, 17246-17256

Promotion of mixed protonic–electronic transport in La5.4WO11.1−δ membranes under H2S atmospheres

S. Escolástico, M. Balaguer, C. Solís, F. Toldra-Reig, S. Somacescu, U. Gerhards, A. Aguadero, K. Haas-Santo, R. Dittmeyer and J. M. Serra, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 17246 DOI: 10.1039/D3TA01827J

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